Friday, November 9, 2012

1. How can I get a SCUBA tank to hold more air?

2. The driving problem is that SCUBA tanks could always be more efficient. I could not find a quote by an expert, but anything could use more efficiency.

3. If I find materials that make the tank more durable or a mixture of air better than pure oxygen, then I will be able to increase the efficiency of the tank.

4. I plan on using credible resources to show me how much pressure certain materials can contain and how heavy they are. I also plan to find a mixture of air better than pure oxygen by researching.

5. Engineering Research & Applications

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My working EQ is what does a marine biologist do? I did not decide to change it at this time. Possible answers would include too many things to include but any systematic study of life iin the ocean is my best answer.