a) I Elijah Armendariz, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b)The man that helped was Jeremy Meadows a PADI divemaster who works in affiliation with Sport Chalet.
d) I completed my Open Water Diver's certification course.
I know for a fact that I completed well over 30 hours of work because the course consisted of an online course which I spent 2 hours a day for 2 weeks on, 2 in class lessons which were 3 hours each, two confined water dives which were 2 hours each, then 4 open water dives which were each 45 mins- an hour off of Casino Point on Catalina's coast.
This component helps me and my project because as Mike Schaadt director of Cabrillo Marine Aquarium said one of the most important parts of the process of reintroduction is to watch the population after the reintroduction is done to make sure it was successful or if there are any ways to solve the issue of their failure. This is often the step that dictates whether the process was a success or failure.