1. What is the best way to reintroduce an animal that has been taken into captivity?
2. How long should it take for an animal to be reintroduced to its habitat?
3. What is the biggest problem in introducing an animal?
4. What factors must be considered when determining if the animal is ready for reintroduction?
5. What in your opinion is the best way to reintroduce an animal?
6. Is there such a thing as an animal that can not be reintroduced?
7. Would you say that just placing animals into their natural habitat is enough for it to survive?
8. Is there a stage of life in which organism tend to do better in being reintroduced?
9. Is an animal that has been in the wild previously, more succeptible to reintroduction?
10. How does a stressful event affect the animals reintroduction?
11. Are there differences with reintroduction in fish versus shellfish or crustaceans?
12. If an animals environment changed with something like an oil spill would you recommend it be reintroduced there after the clean up?
13. Are there any known processes which have shown promising results for marine reintroduction?
14. Do you think raising animals in an enclosure in their natural environment is a feasible method of reintroduction?
15. Have there been any success stories about a certain species return from endangerment? Why or why not?
16. Do microorganisms require any sort of reintroduction and if so what?
17. How can you simulate the social skills an animal must develop in the wild?
18. How can you ensure an animals success after its been released?
19. In what way could you deelop the captivated animal's hunting skills?
20. How long would an animal retain its sense of the wild after it is captured?